Getting started with Tengine


A cross platform machine learning deployment solution.

Enable fast and efficient deployment of deep learning neural network models on embedded devices.

Uses a separated front-end/back-end design. I.e. a single model can be transplanted and deployed onto multiple hardware platforms like CPU, GPU, NPU and so on.

Code once, run anywhere – and make use of acceleration.

We want to develop on x86, and deploy to ARM and NPU accelerator.

Tengine logo


Follow these steps for installing Tengine.

Make a workspace and then download the Tengine code:

cd ~
mkdir Tengine
cd Tengine
git clone -b tengine-lite

Then setup a build directory to store the compiled files:

cd Tengine-Lite
mkdir build 
cd build

Then build the files. Use -j 12 when calling make to use multi-core and speed up compilation. Change 12 to however many threads/cores the PC has.

cmake ..
make -j 12
make install

Confirm the installation was okay by using tree.

sudo apt-get install tree
tree install

The output should look like this

├── bin
│   ├── tm_classification
│   ├── tm_classification_int8
│   ├── tm_classification_uint8
│   ├── tm_efficientdet
│   ├── tm_efficientdet_uint8
│   ├── tm_landmark
│   ├── tm_landmark_uint8
│   ├── tm_mobilefacenet
│   ├── tm_mobilefacenet_uint8
│   ├── tm_mobilenet_ssd
│   ├── tm_mobilenet_ssd_uint8
│   ├── tm_retinaface
│   ├── tm_ultraface
│   ├── tm_yolofastest
│   └── tm_yolov5
├── include
│   └── tengine
│       ├── c_api.h
│       └── defines.h
└── lib
    └── libtengine-lite-static.a

Test inference

The examples page walks through running Tengine demos.

First make a folder to store the models in the root of the Tengine directory.

cd ~/Tengine/Tengine-Lite
mkdir models
  • Download the efficientdet.tmfile model from the model zoo. Save it in to the models directory.
Download the model from the Google drive model zoo

Create another folder to store our test images.

mkdir images

Then download an image to detect, e.g.

curl --output images/ssd_dog.jpg
the dog

Use the command from the example – it exports the path for the Tengine-library first, and then runs the detector.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build/install/lib
./build/install/bin/tm_efficientdet -m models/efficientdet.tmfile -i images/ssd_dog.jpg -r 1 -t 1

Should see some output – the detector worked successfully.

dan@antec:~/Tengine/Tengine-Lite$ ./build/install/bin/tm_efficientdet -m models/efficientdet.tmfile -i images/ssd_dog.jpeg -r 1 -t 1

Image height not specified, use default 512
Image width not specified, use default  512
Scale value not specified, use default  0.017, 0.018, 0.017
Mean value not specified, use default   123.7, 116.3, 103.5
tengine-lite library version: 1.5-dev

model file : models/efficientdet.tmfile
image file : images/ssd_dog.jpeg
img_h, img_w, scale[3], mean[3] : 512 512 , 0.017 0.018 0.017, 123.7 116.3 103.5
Repeat 1 times, thread 1, avg time 512.70 ms, max_time 512.70 ms, min_time 512.70 ms
17:  80%, [ 132,  222,  315,  535], dog
 7:  73%, [ 467,   74,  694,  169], truck
 1:  42%, [ 103,  119,  555,  380], bicycle
 2:  29%, [ 687,  113,  724,  156], car
 2:  25%, [  57,   77,  111,  124], car
the dog with detection’s

Getting Started with PortAudio

I have some ideas for audio projects using raspberry pi and Linux and PortAudio seems to be a pretty standard library for getting audio I/O from the machine. Also its cross platform and written in C.

On a Linux machine download the latest PortAudio release from their website.


Then follow the instructions on their installation page. We need to install ALSA first.

sudo apt-get install libasound-dev

Then extract the downloaded code.

tar -xzvf pa_stable_v190600_20161030.tgz
cd portaudio

It is easy to build the software, run

./configure && make

To install portaudio on our system so we can import it in our programs use:

sudo make install

To test everything is working correctly, we can change into the examples directory and run one of the examples.

cd examples/

We can compile an example using gcc and link in the extra dependencies. The “-l”s are where we link in extra code.

gcc -o pa_devs pa_devs.c -lrt -lasound -ljack -lpthread -lportaudio

Running the compiled pa_devs program should print out information about each of the connected audio devices on the system
